By Candy Wawro / January 2, 2025 – Final Approval January 12, 2025
FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 12, 2024, 7:00 PM, Nichols Community Center
Attendees: Weston King (President), Arlyn Lawrence (Vice President), Hal Goodell (Treasurer), Candy Wawro (Secretary), Jacob Paukert (Director) excused, Craig McLaughlin (Director) excused, Peggy Wright (Director) excused, Jim Braden (Director Buildings and Grounds), Joan Broughton.
Approval of November 14, 2024, Minutes: Arlyn made a motion to approve the November 14th Board Meeting Minutes. Wes seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous, motion carried.
Approval of Consent Agenda: Party With A Purpose budget of $12,602.78. Hal made a motion of to approve $13,000 overall. Motion was seconded by Wes. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
Public Comments: Peggy Powers addressed the Board concerning the Fox Island’s Garden Club’s proposal to provide a drinking fountain for those who use the grounds of the Nichols Community Center. The thought of providing this benefit came from a mom asking the garden club if water was available for her child (water was only available from a garden hose). When they proposed a water fountain to FICRA it met with approval at that time and were disheartened that FICRA’s position had shifted. Part of FICRA’s concerns were installation costs and future costs associated with the installation as well as possible disease transmission to animals (faucet to include a dog bowl as well). Peggy, who is a retired veterinarian, explained that the stainless-steel bowl would not be a problem for pets. Peggy expressed the importance of adding a water fountain to the community and users of the grounds. They now have a generous donor to help make up the additional monies needed (aside from the monies donated at the FICRA Fair and the Cisco presentation). The additional monies donated would defray the installation costs and the ongoing maintenance needed. The donor is willing to put $10,000-$15,000 in reserve for future maintenance. Jim will investigate associated costs/implementation and report back to the Board.
Treasurer’s Report (Hal)
Trust Checking
Beginning Balance $ 27,562.23
Checks & Payments 10,151.81
Deposits and Credits 6,431.04
Ending Balance $ 17,410.42
Trust Savings
Beginning Balance $ 732.12
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits .03
Ending Balance $ 732.15
Building Trust PayPal Ending 10/31/24
Beginning Balance $ 114.52
Total Income 850.00
Total Withdrawal 32.11
Ending Balance $ 932.41
Trust Capital Checking
Beginning Balance $ 382.30
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Ending Balance 382.30
Trust Reserve Checking
Beginning Balance $ 153.20
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Ending Balance $ 153.20
30 Month Flex Certificate
Beginning Balance $ 107,835.99
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits 352.76 (Nov. Interest)
Ending Balance $ 108,188.75
5 Month Certificate
Beginning Balance $ 0.00
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Ending Balance 0.00
Trust Money Market (General, Capital, Reserve, EP, NW
Beginning Balance $ 261,741.02
Checks & Payments 44,379.45
Deposits and Credits 44,809.71
Ending Balance $ 2 62,171.28
Trust General Money Market
Beginning Balance $ 149,673.88
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits 430.26 (Nov. Int.)
Ending Balance $ 150,104.14
Trust Capital Money Market
Beginning Balance 28,453.78
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Ending Balance $ 28,453.78
Trust Reserve Money Market
Beginning Balance $ 40,802.47
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Ending Balance $ 40,802.47
Trust Events/Activities Money Market
Beginning Balance $ 12,100.96
Checks & Payments 12,100.96 (Closed Out & Transf to Trust Gen MM)
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Ending Balance 0.00
Trust Emergency Prep Restricted Money Market
Beginning Balance $ 22,508.91
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Ending Balance $ 22,508.91
Trust Neighborhood Watch Restricted Money Market
Beginning Balance $ 20,301.98
Checks & Payments 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Ending Balance $ 20,301.98
Trust Money Market – Other
Beginning Balance $ 0.00
Checks & Payments 430.26 (Nov Int Transf to Gen MM)
Deposits and Credits 430.26
Ending Balance 0.00
Sum of QB Sub Money Markets $ 262,171.28
Standing Committee Reports & Actions (Jim):
Buildings & Grounds: Front doors’ complete fine-tuning wood tone and installation due in late December. NCC basement column reinforcement plates painted and installed. The outdoor water system has been winterized. Spring we expect to have the new simple drinking faucet ready to use.
Nature Center (Ed Burrough): Wes inquired about improving the Nature Center signs and establishing a “kids’ nature program”. A little history on what the Nature Center Committee has been doing in that regard.
- They do have a sign at the edge of the road that is ready for replacement. They will run a design by the Board for that. The sign in the “reception area” is also due for maintenance.
- They have held FICRA Fair booth activities in the past focused on kids’ learning.
- They have considered installing posts to identify native plants but with that being over 100 they have decided that would be too cluttered to the natural setting and rejected that plan.
- They continue to recruit members to attend their Saturday once-a-month work parties. They have eight that participate in varying degrees.
- Some of their team members have invested significantly in acquiring native plants to help develop the natural equilibrium of the Center.
- They are not quite ready to submit an amount of money expected to be spent for 2025 to maintain the Nature Center. The Nature Center is not included in the Reserve Study as there are no Capital Replacement items.
Emergency Preparedness (EP): We are doing a major review of EP. Block Coordination has always been a challenge and is getting the lion’s share of review. has been open to the public since July. We are chipping away at confirming the ties between and There also is no update on the medical reserve trailer. Jim will contact the proper authorities on FICRA acquiring it.
As mentioned last month, we are looking into alternative means of having readily accessible FM radio messaging for Fox Island residents to monitor conditions during a major disaster. Further, FIARC continues to investigate better and more reliable ways for FI residents to get messages to out-of-area families to make them aware of conditions during a major incident. The use of STARLINK is one of the possibilities under investigation. Jim did present the project test form for securing STARLINK as our internet connection and taking control of the KGHP equipment for emergency communications. The first-time cost is estimated to be under $1,000 with an ongoing monthly cost of $130. The first cost would come from a designated account on the capital expenditure list with the monthly cost a budgeted item. Starlink would function as a reliable internet connection, especially during a major catastrophe with portable equipment.
Other items in the work: A subject the Board has discussed is the identification/storage of documents and how they are accessed. One group would reside in a permanent repository, like Howard Stapleton set up for us in 2018 with Board access, but limited edit permission, for basic documents such as deeds, contracts, Bylaws, Resolutions, recorded Policy, etc. (all dated). Another group on for active projects for monitoring and assignments. Where to sequester completed projects (which Jim has for capital projects in pictures/paper form and Hal in financial form) needs to be reviewed. Then, we can use the website containing the history of meetings (Board meeting minutes) and policy that applies to non-director action (i.e. renter policy) which should also be in a permanent repository.
Old/Ongoing Business
Party With a Purpose (Candy): We have contacted Petersons to provide food and desserts. They will hold all items to defrost as needed until pick up that day. This substantially assists us with food storage of frozen goods and the defrosting necessary prior to warming. The final menu choices will be available to the Board at our January meeting. Once the menu is complete, we can begin the ticketing process as catering determines most of the cost to participants.
FICRA website update (Arlyn): No update. Presently, the website does not allow rentals to be paid with anything other than a check. Arlyn will contact Howard Stapleton, our webpage designer, for clarification.
Philanthropic Committee Update (Craig): No update currently.
FICRA Outside Street Signage (Craig/Jacob): No update currently
Audit Committee (Joan Broughton): Meeting again in December and finishing up 2023.
Christmas Tree Lighting (Wes): Good crowd, great Santa. Thank you Pack 27 for tending the firepit. Candy will reserve Santa for 2025.
Wreath Making Class (Candy): Low attendance but those that came were thoroughly happy with the time and outcome.
New Business
Garage Rental Fee Increased: Wes made a motion to raise the garage rental fee from $300/mo. To $350/mo. Arlyn seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously approved.
Ghostlight Theater Proposal (Candy): Rex Davison was pleased with the community response for the musical, A Taffeta Christmas. However, they were told the prospective tenet in Bremerton cancelled their occupation and that they now owed rental fees, according to their previous contract. Hence, their income was affected severely. Storage at the Nichols Community Center is an issue. Candy proposed rental of the garage for storage once the tenet there leaves. Jim did contact the present renter of the garage to let them know that their rental fee will increase from $300 to $350 per month beginning in the new year. Rex was kept informed of the cost of renting the garage. He now rents storage for approximately $165 for 10’ by 10’ unit. The NCC is 16’ x 24’. This would give them more space and room for constructing sets. He will approach his board when/if he decides to move operations to Fox Island.
New Year’s Eve Event (Candy): Perhaps we explore a family friendly NYE event that only lasts until the ball drops in New York, 9:00pm our time. Wes, recommend we put this in our calendar for 2025 as we don’t have enough time now to pull it together.
Talent Show (Craig): No update currently.
FICRA-FIEP Internet (Starlink) & Radio (FM) System, FICRA Nature Center Signage Update, and FICRA Nature Center Kids’ Club: See above.
Pending Business:
- FICRA Fees
- Scholastic Scholarship
Wes made a motion to adjourn. Arlyn seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.
Respectively Submitted by Candy Wawro
Draft minutes’ final approved on January 9, 2025